Information Management

– Hosted Document Management Solution

OptiDoc is a simple, but effective document management solution, designed to deliver all core functionalities of an Enterprise Document Management platform. This solution takes care of storage needs, security, hardware, backups, retention policies, workflows and other requirements associated with a DMS. OptiDoc’s modular implementation approach allows deployment within just a few days from the project sign off, enabling an efficient document management deployment in record time.
– Automated EEA1 Analysis

The Employment Equity Act requires employers to do an analysis of their workforce profile. Workers can complete the EEA1 to assist employers with this analysis. The information in the form must be confidential, and employers may only use it to comply with the Employment Equity Act.
Out of the box “Opti-Doc-4-HR” is designed to collect, classify and manage information efficiently using the following process:
- Scan documents or import existing electronic documents (PDF, TIF, JPG, WORD)
- Classify documents based on ID number, name and / or document type (EEA1 Form, ID Book, contract, etc)
- Store the documents in a secure repository on a central server or SBimage cloud
- Recall documents on-demand by all authorised users, at any branch
- Apply additional document-level security per document type if required
- Produce exceptions report on missing essential documents
- Provide a facility for electronic document distribution
– Scanning solution

Opti-Scan is a comprehensive scanning solution with the facility to configure multiple scanning profiles and indexing rules. Easy to use solution with various image enhancements, barcode recognition, document routing, integration with SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics, and SalesForce. Thumbnail viewer and document composition functionality are just some of the features received in out-of-the-box implementation.
– Automated Information Routing

Web-based Routing designed to support Document Management Systems and Document Management processes. OpenSky is a solution for processing and classifying information in distributed environment from file queues, e-Mail boxes or scanned documents. The solution comes with intuitive interface design, which allows minimum staff training and rapid implementation, integrated DMS and Routing rule engines. The engine provides bases for any customised process implementation.
– Accelerated Data Capture

Opti-Capture is the solution to classify scanned documents in a distributed environment, utilizing validation adapters into line of business data.
Opti-Capture is designed to bring indexing efficiency and quality control into the scanning process. Scanning is normally executed using high-speed document scanners; one single user normally has no time to scan and classify the document batches at the same time, this is simply because the scanner needs constant attention and the documents must be scanned as quickly as possible to have the scanner utilized efficiently.
– Electronic Stationery

The COLD technology stores text files in its original format – text. It also has an electronic template, which is used to reconstruct documents on demand. When processing the file, data is extracted automatically from predefined positions and the record byte pointer is stored in the database. When searching for the document, the application knows exact position of data within large data file and is capable to extract and render document into human-readable format within seconds.